Condensed Interim Consolidated

Financial Statements

in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Boards (IASB)


Management Report

Dear Shareholders,

We hereby present the Consolidated Financial Statements of Banco Bradesco S.A. related to the first quarter of 2024. We follow all International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) practices issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

Economic Comment

The economic activity began the year at a fast pace. The labor market remains heated, sustaining real income gains. The increase in credit and the fall in interest rates also contribute to the expansion of consumption. Our projections indicate that the GDP could grow above 2.0% this year. The inflation chart also remains favorable, reinforcing our 3.4% projection for the IPCA in 2024.

Copom should continue to reduce the Selic rate. We anticipate that the basic interest in the economy will end 2024 at 9.50%, completing a total cut cycle of 4.5 percentage points.

With the exception of Japan, developed countries are preparing to reduce interest rates. However, the time of the beginning of the cuts may differ between them. In Europe, inflation decompression is more persistent, while in the USA, this process has been inconsistent. The resilience of the USA economic activity also does not recommend urgency to begin interest cuts. On the other hand, the continued economic slowdown in China should contribute to global deflation.

Highlights in the period

In the Shareholders Meetings that took place on March 11, 2024, among other deliberations, the statutory amendments proposed by the Management were approved, some of which bring changes of extreme relevance to the Corporate Governance scenario of the Company, highlighting:

  • express assignment to the Board of Directors to deliberate on transactions with related parties, in accordance with the legislation and with the internal policies and rules already existing and applicable to Bradesco;
  • exclusion of obligations that: (i) to be assigned to the Board of Executive Officers, the candidate must be part of the Bradesco Organization's companies; and (ii) to be eligible to the Board of Executive Officers, they must have been a staff member of the Bradesco Organization's companies for more than ten years, continuously. The exclusion of these obligatory requirements makes the promotion or hiring of professionals to the positions of the Board of Executive Officers more flexible, prioritizing talents, whether internal or external; and
  • reduction of the minimum and maximum numbers of members that will compose the Board of Executive Officers, from 83 to 108 to 60 to 100, as well as reduction of positions and alteration of their nomenclatures, also reducing the hierarchy and the consequent expansion of horizontalization, to enable speed in decision making, promoting fluidity in communication and greater autonomy of leaders.

We began the implementation of the strategic plan accelerating the transformation of the bank. We set up the transformation office, with people 100% dedicated to work fronts. In the area of people and organizational structure, we are strengthening the team, increasing synergy and strengthening business units such as technology and credit, to name a few examples. We are adjusting our physical presence, aiming to improve the way of serving: We closed traditional branches, opened corporate branches - with 122 units in operation as of yet - and added more correspondent banking to Bradesco Expresso. The benefits of the strategic plan will be seen in our operational income, partly in 2024, and on a larger scale from 2025 onwards.

BRADESCO | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements


highlighted information 1Q24



R$0.37 common

R$4.2 bi

R$0.41 preferred


23,2% p/a





R$165.9 bi



R$143.7 bi




(Mar24 vs. Mar23)

R$889.9 bi (+1.2%)

INDIVIDUALS: R$372.6 bi (+2.0%)

LARGE CORPORATES: R$345.7 bi (+1.6%)


R$171.7 bi (-1.2%)


(Mar24 vs. Mar23)

R$51.2 bi (-14.0%)

2.1% p/a

R$2.6 bi (gross) | Payout 65% (gross)


(Mar24 vs. Mar23)

R$607.7 bi (+3.4%)

Time Deposits: R$438.5 bi (+6.5%) Savings Deposits: R$127.4 bi (-0.7%) Demand Deposits: R$41.8 bi (-12.8%)


(Mar24 vs. Mar23)

R$744.1 bi (+9.3%)

FVOCI: R$215.7 bi (+2.2%)

FVPL: R$352.8 bi (+20.9%)

Amortized Cost: R$175.6 bi (-1.1%)

BRADESCO | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements in IFRS


international operations

Abroad, aiming to develop and expand our customer relationship in addition to institutional representation, we have 02 Branches, 10 Subsidiaries, 02 Representative Offices and an extensive network of correspondent banks.


New York

Banco Bradesco S.A.

Grand Cayman

Banco Bradesco S.A.

Representation Office

Hong Kong

Banco Bradesco S.A.


Representaciones Administrativas Internacionales



Grand Cayman

Banco Bradesco Europa S.A.

Cidade Capital Markets

New York


Bradesco Securities, Inc.


Hong Kong

Bradescard México

Bradesco Securities Hong Kong

Sociedad de

Responsabilidad Limitada



Bradesco Trade Services

Bradesco Bank



Bradesco Investments Inc.

Bradesco Securities UK Limited

Bradesco Global Advisors


Bradesco Bank

Bradesco's main international platform for banking and investment products in the United States, serving international and national clients, Individuals and Companies.

Our solutions

International Banking

Real Estate


Corporate & Institutional

Wealth Management

Digital Bank

  • Private Banking

International Banking

Integrated solutions and customized services, designed to meet the needs and deliver the benefits of a U.S.-based bank.


Our independent model allows us to offer our clients the best products and services in the market, as well as a complete line of investments in partnership with the main managers and with wide diversification of sectors, markets and asset classes.

Corporate & Institutional

Service to corporate clients and banks in Latin America with customized solutions to support business growth.

Credit Solutions

We offer credit solutions for various purposes, with guarantees in the USA or Brazil, and we are a reference for non-residents who want to purchase or re-mortgage real estate. We analyze each case in a personalized way, taking into account the client's global portfolio.


The main financial highlights of 1Q24:

  • Net operating revenue grew 10% and higher net income by 44% compared to 1Q24 vs. 4Q23.
  • Consistent growth in assets under custody (AuC) with an increase of 6% in the quarter and 21% in 12 months.
  • Growth of 17% of the loan portfolio in 12 months.

Bradesco Invest US

Another way of diversifying investments in the USA is through our digital platform, which includes portfolios managed exclusively by BlackRock.

  • 100% digital solution
  • Democratization of the international investments
  • Your own credit card issued in the United States and Livelo points in Brazil
  • Customer service in Portuguese

My Account

International digital account

Opening of more than 160 thousand accounts in 8 months

Make withdrawals and purchases in 195 countries and 180 different currencies

100% digital journey via App

Customized card

Quotation based on the commercial dollar

Transfer between the Bradesco account and My Account at any time/day

My Account is an international and digital Bradesco account that can be opened on the Bradesco App itself. In addition to the traditional card, it is now possible to have a virtual card, for purchases on websites and Apps, with dynamic CVV, which brings more convenience and security.

BRADESCO | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements in IFRS


Products and services for the public sector

Exclusive platforms serve the Public Sector throughout the country with Business Managers trained to offer products, services and solutions with quality and security to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, federal, state and municipal authorities, as well as municipalities, public foundations, state-owned and mixed capital companies and the Armed and Auxiliary Forces. Every month, more than 11.8 million retirees and pensioners of the INSS receive their benefits at Bradesco, making it the highest payer among all the banks in the country.

We have nine Specialized Platforms to assist governments, state capitals, courts, chambers, public prosecutor's offices, public defender's offices, and the Brazilian municipalities with the highest GDP. We also have 31 Platforms serving other municipalities and bodies. Find out more on

Technology and innovation

The year 2024 marks the beginning of a journey of strategic reformulations, where technology is an essential agent to further increase efficiency, without renouncing our commitment to security and hyperpersonalized service. In this sense, we continue at the technological forefront, using, for example, Artificial Intelligence since 2017, especially through BIA, our cognitive assistant, whose number of interactions with clients already exceeds 2.2 billion.

Now, we have moved on with Generative AI trials, transforming our financial services to leverage customer experience. The initiatives cover more effectiveness in service, digital sales of Consortia, the elaboration of proposals for Corporate Cards, and the support of this promising technology to improve processes in the areas of Ombudsman, Legal and Open Finance and develop digital solutions to accelerate the delivery and evolution of our products and services. Today we have a corporate generative AI platform that has become a pillar of our transformation initiatives, enabling a weekly cycle of experiments, pilot projects and rapid product development. With the case "Transforming Financial Services with Generative AI" we were recognized as the most innovative bank in the "The 100+ Innovators in the use of IT" ranking in the study of the IT Forum.

We continuously evolve traditional facilities at the beginning of the year, as consolidated Income Tax statements and viewing of the investment statement for up to 12 months. On Mobile, much more agility with the simplified journey of opening checking accounts and requesting a credit card for Individuals, which enables online the total usability of the services in a few minutes. Other features include credit for those who need to do PIX and are without balance and electronic signature for digital formalization in Consortia contemplation. For those who need to reorganize, the debt renegotiation can be done on all digital channels, including WhatsApp with BIA.

In need of loans, we inaugurated in the national market, the "Leading as a Service (Laas)", a virtual journey of loans in partner channels - IFood, Amazon, Alelo, Raizen and Locaweb; for account and non-account holders, the client can simulate and request working capital and microcredit with release by PIX, using the Bank's business intelligence, liquidating the installments through the sales of the platform. Another novelty is the personal loan with guarantee of investments in the App: the first product 100% digital with CDB investment, for clients who want to keep their assets in the bank and use them as guarantee, without compromising liquidity. Wishing to invest, the client requests assistance from BIA through WhatsApp, receives personalized recommendations and is directed to the ideal product; through the same channel, the Bank asks clients to press the "Investor Profile Update" (API), to be made online in chat with specialists, or can be forwarded to the Bradesco App.

In the Foreign Exchange segment there is a new menu on Mobile, with a more fluid journey of transferring capital to Bradesco Invest US and one-term signing instead of a contract for each operation, facilitating future transactions across all channels. Another novelty is the receipt of Western Union orders via the App for Individuals: the client has self-service available, receiving online values from abroad. Ágora, which this year reached 1 million clients in its advanced platform, gains more efficiency and relevance in the market through the synergy arising from unification with Corretora Bradesco (Stock Broker).

We launched the Bradesco Shop: exclusive e-commerce to shop directly on the App, with more than 4 million products and 40 retailers in more than 20 categories. The offers are customized, and it is possible to mark favorite products, get cashbacks and many other benefits, specially developed for greater convenience and relationship with our clients.

BRADESCO | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements in IFRS


Human resources

Human Capital is one of the strategic pillars of the Organization, meaning it is a foundation of our business. Our model of Human Capital Management is founded on respect, transparency and continuous investment in the development of employees. We keep our teams motivated by means of career growth opportunities, recognition, training and development, differentiated compensation and benefits, besides appreciation of diversity and balance between work and personal life.

Much more than policies and practices, we consolidated a culture of respect spread by the awareness of the value of people, of their identities and competencies.

At the end of the first quarter, the Organization had 85,634 employees - 74,208 of Bradesco and 11,426 of affiliated Companies.

For more information on Human Resources, visit the Human Capital Report, available on

Sustainability for Bradesco

Sustainability is part of our strategic drivers, also expressed in our Statement of Purpose. We believe that governance, management and engagement in environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects are fundamental to our growth and sustainability, generating long-term value for all our stakeholders. Thus, our Sustainability Strategy is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, based on ESG management and transparency.

As part of this strategic agenda, at the end of the first quarter, we reached 96% of our sustainable business goal by totaling R$240 billion in operations with socio-environmental benefits. Expanding our sustainable business portfolio, we also launched a real estate credit line aimed at companies in the construction sector with environmental certification.

Our performance has been recognized in the main national and international sustainability indexes and ratings, such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index of the New York Stock Exchange and the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) of B3 - Brazilian Exchange & OTC. This performance, higher than the average of the financial sector, places us among companies with the best practices related to the climate agenda. These indexes reflect our management and performance in long-term economic, environmental and social criteria in business.

To keep up with our initiatives and performance, visit our and websites.

Corporate governance

The Shareholders' Meeting is the most important corporate event of our governance. In this meeting, the shareholders elect the members of the Board of Directors for a single two-year term of office. It is composed of eleven members, four of which are independent. The body is responsible for establishing, supervising and monitoring the corporate strategy, whose responsibility for implementation is of the Board of Executive Officers, in addition to reviewing the business plans and policies. The positions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, under the Company's Bylaws, are not cumulative.

Assisted by a Governance Department, the Board of Directors ordinarily meets six times a year, and extraordinarily, when the interests of the company so require. In addition to its own Charter, the Board also has an Annual Calendar of Meetings set by its Chairman. In the first quarter of 2024, seven meetings were held, four of which was annual and three specials.

The Internal Audit reports to the Board of Directors, in addition to seven committees, the statutory ones, which are the Audit and Remuneration Committees; and the non-statutory ones, which are the Integrity

  • Ethical Conduct, Risks, Sustainability & Diversity, Nomination & Succession, and Strategy Committees. Various executive committees assist in the activities of the Board of Executive Officers, all regulated by their own charters.

In the role of Supervisory Body for the acts of the managers, and with permanent performance since 2015, we have the Fiscal Council, also elected by the shareholders and with a single term of one year. It is

BRADESCO | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements in IFRS


composed of five effective members and their respective alternates - two of them are elected by minority shareholders.

Our Organization is listed in Level 1 of Corporate Governance of B3 - Brazilian Exchange & OTC, and our practices attest to our commitment to the generation of value for shareholders, employees and society. Further information on corporate governance is available on the Investor Relations website ( - Corporate Governance section).

Internal audit

It is the responsibility of the Audit and General Inspectorate Department, which is subordinate and reports functionally, administrative and operationally to the Board of Directors of Banco Bradesco S.A., to consider, in the scope of its examinations/analyses, the effectiveness of corporate governance and risk management and controls; the reliability, effectiveness and integrity of management and operational information systems and processes; compliance with the legal, infralegal, regulatory framework, internal rules and codes of conduct applicable to members of the staff of the Organization; and the safeguarding of assets against their strategic goals and objectives.

The work is based on adherence to the mandatory elements of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), including the Fundamental Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Audit, the IIA Code of Ethics, the Code of Sector Ethics of the Internal Auditors of the Bradesco Organization and the internal guidelines defined by the Internal Audit Department within the scope of the Bradesco Organization and, where applicable, of third parties/suppliers.

Policy for distribution of dividends and interest on shareholders' equity

In the first quarter of 2024, Bradesco's Shares, with high level of liquidity (BBDC4), accounted for 3.4% of Ibovespa. Our shares are also traded abroad, on the New York Stock Exchange, by means of ADR - American Depositary Receipt - Level 2, and on the Stock Exchange of Madrid, Spain, through DRs, which integrate the Latibex Index.

Bradesco's securities also took part in other important indexes, such as the Special Tag-Along Stock Index (ITAG), the Special Corporate Governance Stock Index (IGC), and the Brazil Indexes (IBrX50 and IBr100). Bradesco's presence in these indexes strengthens our constant search for the adoption of good practices of corporate governance, economic efficiency, socio-environmental ethics and responsibility.

As minimum mandatory dividends, shareholders are entitled to 30% of the net income, in addition to the Tag Along of 100% for the common shares and of 80% for the preferred shares. Also, granted to the preferred shares are dividends 10% higher than those given to the common shares.

Integrated risk control

Corporate risk control management occurs in an integrated and independent manner, preserving and valuing collegiate decisions, developing and implementing methodologies, models and measurement and control tools. Adverse impacts may result from multiple factors and are reduced through the framework of risks and a sound governance structure, which involves the Integrated Risk Management and Capital Allocation Committee, the Risk Committee and the Board of Directors.

The Bradesco Organization has extensive operations in all segments of the market, and, like any large institution, is exposed to various risks. Thus, risk management is strategically highly important due to the increasing complexity of the products and services and, also, the globalization of our business. We constantly adopt mechanisms of identification and monitoring, making it possible to anticipate the development and implementation of actions to minimize any adverse impacts.

BRADESCO | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements in IFRS


According to the list of risks, the relevant risks for the Organization are: Solvency and Profitability, Liquidity, Credit, Market, Operational, Compliance, Cybersecurity, Strategy, Social, Environmental, Climate, Model, Contagion, Reputation and Subscription. In an attempt to precipitate or reduce effects, in case they occur, we seek to identify and monitor any emerging risks, among them, issues related to global growth, international geopolitical issues and the economic and fiscal situation of Brazil. We also consider the risks posed by technological innovation in financial services.

Independent evaluation of models

Models are quantitative tools that provide a synthesis of complex issues, the standardization and automation of decision making, and the possibility of reusing internal and external information. This improves efficiency both by reducing the costs associated with manual analysis and decision making and by increasing accuracy. Its use is an increasingly widespread practice, especially due to technological advances and new artificial intelligence techniques.

We use models to support the decision-making process and to provide predictive information in various areas of the business, such as risk management, capital calculation, stress testing, pricing, as well as other estimates from models to assess financial or reputation impacts.

When it comes to simplifications of reality, models are subject to risks, which can lead to adverse consequences due to decisions based on incorrect or obsolete estimates or even inappropriate use. In order to identify and mitigate these risks, the Independent Model Validation Area (AVIM), with subordination to the Chief Risk Officer (CRO), effectively acts to strengthen the use of models, performing acculturation actions and encouraging good modeling practices. In parallel, it monitors the mitigation of limitations and weaknesses of the models and creates reports for the respective managers, the Internal Audit, and the Control Commission for the Evaluation of Models and Risk Committees.

Compliance, integrity, ethics and competition

Seen as foundations of our values and drivers of daily interactions and decisions, the Compliance, Integrity and Competition Programs cover the entire Bradesco Organization, also extending to goods and services suppliers, business partners and correspondents in Brazil, and subsidiaries, elucidating the high standards of compliance, integrity, conduct and ethical principles that we have.

These principles are supported by policies, internal standards and training programs for professionals by aggregating excellence in procedures and controls and seeking prevention, identification, and reporting of Compliance Risks and any actions considered as a violation of the Code of Ethical Conduct, and/or indications of illegal activities, aimed at the adoption of appropriate measures. The control methodologies and procedures are objects of evaluation and constant improvement, in accordance with current and applicable laws and regulations, as well as with the best market practices and the support of the Organization's Board of Directors.

Independent audit

In compliance with the CVM Resolution No. 162/22 the Bradesco Organization has an Independent Audit Hiring Policy with guidelines in line with the applicable laws and regulations.

The Bradesco Organization hired services from KPMG Auditores Independentes not related to the Financial Statements Consolidated Audit at a level lower than 5% of the total fees related to Independent Audit. These non-audit services do not constitute a conflict of interest or loss of independence in the execution of the audit work of the financial statements in accordance with the auditor's independence policies. Information related to the audit fees is made available annually in our Reference Form at the close of the year.

BRADESCO | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements in IFRS


Social Investments


Founded in 1956, Fundação Bradesco is the largest private social investment project in the country. Since it was established, it has invested in education as the cornerstone of the comprehensive development of children and young people throughout the country by promoting free education and standards of excellence on a wide range of levels.

All 40 school units are proprietary and are distributed in the 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District. They have primarily been set up in regions where there is severe socioeconomic vulnerability, helping to develop the region through the transformational impact on the lives of students and the communities around them, thereby shifting the educational reality of the entire country.

Fundação Bradesco supports each of its Basic Education students for approximately 13 years, equipping them with all the items needed to ensure equal learning in all regions of Brazil.

R$1.3 billion

Total budget for 2024

R$1.0 billion are allocated for Activity Expenses.

R$322 million are for investments in infrastructure and Educational Technology.



Over 42,000 students benefited primarily in Basic Education -

Around 2 million users have successfully

Early Childhood Education to High School and Technical

completed at least one of the free crash

Professional Education throughout Brazil.

courses available on the portal.


We encourage sport as an activity that supports the development of children and young people by means the Bradesco Esportes e Educação (Sports and Education) Program. For over 30 years, we have been teaching female's volleyball and basketball at our Training Center for girls aged 8 to 18, providing guidance on citizenship, health and developing potential talent. The aim of the Center is to guarantee the right of access to sport through daily activities, guided by physical education teachers, coaches and technical trainers, and through participation in internal and external sporting events. We do this at Bradesco Foundation schools, municipal Sports Centers, Unified Educational Centers (CEUs), state and private schools and at our sports development center, all in Osasco (State of São Paulo), with around 1,800 girls being trained.

In addition, the program enables the empowerment and protagonism of our athletes in the community, promoting new opportunities for all of them to develop their different potentials.

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  • We were highlighted in the 2023 Aplaude Award - Voluntary Actions that Transform, promoted by the Brazilian Council of Corporate Volunteering (CBVE), in the category Initiative for partnership in volunteer action with SOS Mata Atlântica.
  • We are Top Employers for the 5th consecutive year in Brazil by the Top Employers Institute, international certification for companies with excellence in people management and employer branding.
  • We were the great winner of the Best Bank and Platform to Invest (MBPI) Ranking, winning the first place in four out of six categories: Retail, High Income, Multimarkets and Money Market. The survey, which considers the period of 2023, is carried out by the Center for Studies in Finance of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGVcef) and published by the Dinheiro magazine.
  • Our Ombudsman received for the twelfth time in a row the Brazilian Ombudsman Award, in the 2023 edition, with the case Sala Ágil (Agile Room). The recognition is promoted by the Brazilian Association of Client Company Relations (Abrarec) in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Ombudsmen (ABO).
  • Bradesco BBI was chosen as the best bank globally in the Transition Bonds/Sustainability Targets category of the Sustainable Finance Awards 2024, promoted by Global Finance.


The results achieved confirm the commitment of the Bradesco Organization to always offer the best services, products and solutions in all lines of business that it operates, striving for quality and speed in services and focus on the real needs of our client base. For the successes achieved, we appreciate the support and trust of our shareholders and clients and the dedicated work of our employees and other associates.

Cidade de Deus, April 30, 2024

Board of Directors and Board of Executive Officers

BRADESCO | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements in IFRS



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Banco Bradesco SA published this content on 02 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 02 May 2024 11:51:45 UTC.