Avanti Energy Inc. announced the Company's second helium well, WNG 11-22, was spudded on its Greater Knappen property, located in Montana. The WNG 11-22 well is expected to take approximately 14 days to reach a total depth of ~5,400 feet. The location exhibits a structural high with the potential for multiple pay zones and is the second exploration well targeting distinct structures in both the Devonian and Cambrian formations.

This well is located within the area covered by quality 3D seismic data Avanti acquired from one of Canada's larger oil and gas producers. ~69,000 acres of potential helium-rich properties across both Montana and Alberta, over which the Company maintains 100% operatorship. 10 closed structural highs, exhibiting relief of 70m to >200m, that are ideal for trapping helium.

In 2021 helium production commenced from a well drilled in the immediate area by a separate company, from the same zones targeted by Avanti's technical team, further validating the Company's model. Other wells surrounding Avanti's lands have high helium shows in multiple Devonian and Cambrian targets with helium percentages of up to 2% and nitrogen percentages of up to 96%.