Asia-Pacific Strategic Investments Limited announced the Cessation of Ms. Wu Joey as Group Financial Controller. Reason For Cessation: Ms. Wu Joey's ("Ms. Wu") departure from the Company is part of the Company's efforts to streamline its operations. Ms. Wu is currently serving her notice period and her last day of employment with the Company is on 31 May 2024.

Ms. Wu's roles and responsibilities will be taken over by Mr. Lee Keng Mun ("Mr. Lee"), the Chief Operating Officer of the Company. Given the current scale of the Company's operations, the Board of Directors of the Company is of the view that Mr. Lee is capable of managing these responsibilities effectively, ensuring continued financial and operational stability of the Group. After having interviewed with Ms. Wu and to the best of its knowledge, the Company's Sponsor, PrimePartners Corporate Finance Pte.

Ltd. is satisfied that save as disclosed in this announcement, there are no other material reasons for the cessation of Ms. Wu as the Group Financial Controller of the Company. In addition, there are no concerns with regards to financial reporting that lead to the cessation of Ms. Wu and there are no disagreement between Ms. Wu and the Board of Directors of the Company with regards to practices that will have an impact on the Company's financial reporting.