
According to the company's articles of association, the nomination committee shall consist of three to five members. Line Sanderud Bakkevig is nominated as new member of the committee. It is proposed that the nomination committee consist of:

1. Ove Steinar Larsen, Chairman
2. Truls Foss, Member
3. Line Sanderud Bakkevig, Member (new)

Below is a brief summary of the new candidate to the nomination committee .

Line Sanderud Bakkevig ( born 1971)

Line Sanderud Bakkevig is adviser in RAW Performance AS , a company that works with individuals , groups and organisations with a focus on optimizing performance. She is also CEO of Innovemus AS , a private investment company. She also has several years of management experience from Storebrand , Schibsted and The Norsk Gjenvinning Group. Bakkevig is a director of Vardia Insurance Group ASA and Proventure Seed II , and has held board positions in small and medium sized companies in the Norwegian industry . Bakkevig is a graduate from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology ( NTNU) and has a Master of Management in Strategic Management from the Norwegian Business School.

She owns no shares , options or warrants in the company .

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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