Segrate, March 13, 2013 - Riccardo Cavallero, General Manager of Mondadori Trade Books Division, gathering all books activities of the Group, has been also appointed General Manager of Edizioni Mondadori ad interim as of March 18, 2013.

Mondadori is leader in the Italian book market with a 27.6% share in 2012 (source: Nielsen Bookscan). Its extensive offering includes fiction, non-fiction, popular non-fiction books and children's books. The general management operates through four main publishing houses, Giulio Einaudi editore, Edizioni Piemme, Sperling & Kupfer and Edizioni Mondadori, first imprint with a 14.1% share in 2012 (source: Nielsen Bookscan).

"We recently started a process aimed at integrating the publishing and managerial resources in every publishing house of the Group", said Riccardo Cavallero. "The plan also involves Edizioni Mondadori, with the objective of globally enhancing the leadership of the individual brands and of Trade Books Division. Reflecting the virtuous model applied for instance by Knopf in the United States, the combination of publishing and marketing functions is targeted to strengthen the value of the profiles operating in a more effective team context".

"Let me thank Laura Donnini, a highly professional manager and colleague of rare character and integrity, for the significant contribution she has given in these years and for the atmosphere of collaboration and respect that she has developed. I wish her the brilliant personal success she deserves", concluded Cavallero.

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