Segrate, 14 March 2013 - Carmine Perna has been appointed general manager of Mondadori France Group, reporting directly to the chairman of Mondadori France, Ernesto Mauri.

In his new role Perna will be responsible for coordinating the activities of the members of the operating committee of Mondadori France: Valérie Camy (executive director Mondadori France Publicité), Carole Fagot (executive director of the area Femme, Science et Loisirs), Stéphane Haitaian (director of the area Star e Nature) and Fabienne Mercier-de Luze (head of human resources and legal affairs).

Carmine Perna, 43, has a degree in economics and business administration from the Bocconi University in Milan and has extensive experience in the administration and fiscal areas. He joined the Mondadori Group in 2006 where he had a series of roles with increasing responsibility in finance and administration before moving, in 2007, to Mondadori France as chief financial officer. In 2010 he was appointed executive director Finance & Operations, expanding his role to include ALSO, from April 2012, the management of the magazine division Auto.

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