Argo announced to provide the following operational update for August 2020. During the month of August, Argo mined 166 Bitcoin or Bitcoin Equivalent (BTC) compared to 165 Bitcoin Equivalent in July. This takes the total amount of BTC mined year-to-date to 2,001 BTC. The number of coins mined in August compared to July can be attributed to the minor fluctuations in mining difficulty throughout August. Argo continues to mine at the most cost-efficient mining settings and is pleased with the overall mining performance given market conditions. Based on daily foreign exchange rates and cryptocurrency prices during the month, mining revenue in August amounted to £1.49 million (July 2020: £1.25 million). Argo generated this income at an average monthly mining margin of approximately 44% for the month of August (July 2020: 34%).  At the end of August, the company held 183 BTC in Bitcoin and BTC equivalents, in accordance with the Company's asset management strategy. This month, Argo also claimed 100,000 Polkadot (DOT) which were purchased in First Quarter 2019 as part of Argo's research and innovation work into hybrid consensus mechanism blockchain projects. Polkadot is designed to enable interoperability among different blockchains, which could enable new use cases for blockchain and cryptocurrency. DOT is now trading at $5.92 and the Company is pleased with the growth of this asset to date. Argo's management team believes that projects like Polkadot will play an important role in shaping the blockchain ecosystem and advancing cryptocurrency mass adoption.  Argo's total mining capacity stands at 18,000 machines and 730 Petahash in addition to 280 Megasols of equihash mining capacity.