Appirits Inc. (JASDAQ:4174) agreed to acquire moonrabbit LLC from Jian-wen Chen on September 14, 2021. For the fiscal year ending February 2021, moonrabbit reported net assets of ¥34 million, total assets of ¥76 million, sales of ¥157 million, and net income of ¥29 million. The contract is expected to be signed on September 30, 2021 and the transfer of equity interests is expected on October 1, 2021. As of September 30, 2021, Appirits Inc. has been preparing for the conclusion of the equity transfer agreement, but it will take some time to agree on the detailed conditions for the agreement, so the date of the equity transfer agreement and the transfer of equity interest is postponed. Appirits Inc. will notify once the planned conclusion date of the new equity transfer agreement and the scheduled date of transfer of equity interest are confirmed.