Andes Technology has cooperated with more than 70 universities worldwide to date, after signing the first contract of industry-academia cooperation with National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in 2010. Andes continues to provide CPU IP AndesCore™ licensing, software development tool AndeSight™, and hardware development platforms to schools with licensing series from AndeStar V3 architecture to V5 version RISC-V processors. To promote sustainable development in academia, Andes Technology has actively invested various resources in colleges and universities for many years, including supporting schools with software/hardware equipment and participating establishment of joint laboratories with universities, etc. The total number of contracts with universities around the world is currently over 120. Andes believes in the concept of "technology comes from education" and hence has been working with various academic institutions for several years. It gives back to the academia through providing the most advanced RISC-V computing processor cores, SoC technology, complete training materials, professional teaching programs, practical industry experiences, unique certification exams, and many other technologies and services. RISC-V draws increasing attention due to its market potential and future development with features such as open-source ISA, which is compact, modular and extensible. Many RISC-V enthusiasts in the industry and academia, whether in the United States, Europe, or Asia, are actively involved in developing an extensive range of RISC-V applications, which leads to a flourishing RISC-V ecosystem. With all 120 contracts, Andes provided the latest RISC-V software development tool, RISC-V ISA, debuggers, examples of project implementation, verification and performance analysis of algorithm to schools. In the course teaching section, National Tsing Hua University is the first one using the RISC-V software development tool AndeSight™ provided by Andes for compiler design courses, and further purchasing the RISC-V development platform Corvette F1 for teaching experimental courses and development of student projects. National Taiwan University’s Computer Science and Information Engineering department has also started to use AndeSight™ for compiler design courses. In the cooperation of CPU IP Cores licensing, the team led by Wai-Chi Fang,  Professor in Department of Electronics Engineering (EE), NCTU, obtained the license of AndesCore™ V5 RISC-V N25 core computing processor through the cooperation. It is mainly used for security research and development. Currently, it has been successfully taped out at Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute; Professor Chen-Yi Lee's team in NCTU adopted Andes RISC-V DSP instruction extension core, to create a face recognition system with artificial intelligence, and published it at 2019 RISC-V Taiwan workshop. AI has led a worldwide technology trend. Andes RISC-V instruction set architecture features the flexibility to allow developers to quickly implement many creative designs in the field of AI and IoT. Its high-performance and low-power are the keys to success. At present, in addition to the real-time face detection of Professor Lee's team from NCTU, the team of Professor Shanq-Jang Ruan from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology has also collaborated with Andes for AI to have deep learning accelerators using Andes Custom Extension™ (ACE) technology. With the ACE instructions, customers can add their own instructions to AndesCore™. Users only need to create an ACE description file and related concise Verilog file to generate CPU with extended instructions and related software toolchain in a few tens of seconds.