• AKKA Technologies is announcing that it bought back a block of 354,312 shares held by Cécile Monnot, a shareholder and director of the Company, yesterday evening after the Stock Market close. This purchase was made at a price of €24.40 per share, which amounts to a 0.4% discount compared with the closing price of €24.50 for AKKA shares on the Paris Stock Market on the day of the transaction.
  • This transaction is part of the share buyback programme approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders of 11 June 2013. In accordance with Resolutions 8 and 9 of this General Meeting, all the shares purchased may be used to:

    • deliver shares in payment or exchange as part of potential acquisitions,

    • award stock options to the Company's employees and corporate officers, offer them the opportunity to purchase shares, or award them bonus shares,

    • award shares as part of the employee profit-sharing scheme,

    • or to award shares on exercise of the rights attached to transferable securities that entitle the holder to existing shares in the Company through redemption, conversion, exchange or presentation of a warrant, or in any other way.
  • Following this disposal, Cécile Monnot now holds 4.50% of the Group's share capital and 6.57% of the voting rights*. She will retain her position as a director, which she has held since 7 March 2001.
  • Cécile Monnot has committed to retaining all of her residual shareholding in AKKA for a period of one year as of today. She remains a participant in the concert party formed by the Ricci family group.
  • The Ricci family group now holds 7,886,769 AKKA Technologies shares, which represent 12,842,093 voting rights, i.e. 51.83% of the Company's share capital and 62.01% of the voting rights respectively.
  • AKKA Technologies will finance the purchase of these treasury stock (at a cost of €8.6 million) via its gross cash position, which amounted to €92.4 million as at 30 June 2013, compared with a gearing ratio of 36% at the same date.
  • Following this purchase, the Company now owns 449,147 treasury shares, which amount to 2.95% of its share capital.


Next release: 2014 4th quarter revenues on 12 February 2014 after the Stock Market close.

“The best way of predicting the future is to invent it.
Sharing a passion for technology.”

AKKA Technologies, European Engineering and Technology Consultancy Group, supports major industrial and service sector clients throughout the various phases of their projects, from R&D and design studies to industrial production. Expertise in a range of complementary fields enables AKKA Technologies to bring real added value to its clients whatever their industry: aeronautics, automotive, space/defence, consumer electronics, telecommunications, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, iron and steel, energy, rail, marine, service sector, etc.

AKKA Technologies is a leading company in the automotive and aeronautics sectors in France and Germany. The mobility of its teams and its international positioning enable it to work globally on projects at the cutting edge of technology.

The AKKA Technologies Group now has over 11,000 employees and operates in 20 countries: Germany, Belgium, Canada, China, the UAE, Spain, France, Hungary, Italy, India, Morocco, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Romania, the United Kingdom, Russia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey and the USA. AKKA's focus is on building a group with revenues in excess of 1 billion euros, with more than 50% of this coming from outside France.

AKKA Technologies is listed on EuronextTM Paris - Compartment B - ISIN Code: FR0004180537.
Indexes CAC® Small, CAC® Mid & Small, CAC® All-Tradable, CAC® All-Share

More information at www.akka.eu


AKKA Technologies
Nicolas Valtille - Group CFO - Tel: 04 78 92 60 83 - finances@akka.eu
Dov Lévy - Investor Relations - Tel: 06 22 67 41 41 - dov.levy@akka.eu

Actus Lyon
Amalia Naveira - Analyst & Investor Relations - Tel: 04 72 18 04 97 - anaveira@actus.fr
Marie-Claude Triquet - Press Relations - Tel: 04 72 18 04 93 - mctriquet@actus.fr


* Including 291,944 shares held as a beneficial owner (usufruit), as Charlotte Ricci and Benjamin Ricci are each the bare owners of 50% of these shares (nue propriété).

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