ACI Worldwide announced that Rabobank will utilize the company's UP Immediate Payments solution. Rabobank needed a system to ready itself for the evolution of instant and open banking and selected ACI's UP Immediate Payments for SEPA Instant Payments. With the onset of new instant payments schemes across Europe, Rabobank required a flexible solution to address domestic NL instant payments processing as well as pan-European instant payments. Available via a SaaS delivery model or on-premise, ACI's UP Immediate Payments provides connectivity and processing for the local and pan-European SEPA Instant Credit Transfer schemes (SCT Inst). UP Immediate Payments is already in production at other banks as a single point of access and liquidity controls for other country immediate payments (IP) schemes. It features enhanced functionality specifically for the management and processing of real-time payments, including exceptions handling, business intelligence and monitoring dashboards.