ACI Worldwide, Inc. has introduced the UP Retail Payments solution. UP Retail Payments combines the control, choice and flexibility of BASE24 and UP BASE24-eps, ACI's retail payment platforms, and UP Framework-which orchestrates any payment type, channel, currency or network-into a powerful end-to-end solution that banks and processors can customize quickly and easily to fit their payment needs now and into the future. As a part of the UP Retail Payments solution, which is built on 40 years of payments expertise, UP Framework can serve as a bridge between BASE24 customers' current system and evolving end-user demands.

This protects customers' existing investments by enabling them to continue running some or all of their systems into the foreseeable future. ACI will also continue to provide 24x7x365 BASE24 maintenance and mandate support. This strategy lowers risk and costs, eliminating the need to 'rip and replace' systems to address emerging payment needs.

Customers can simply add new payment types and new volumes through UP Framework as their needs evolve, and migrate to UP BASE24-eps as their business demands. UP Retail Payments delivers enterprise-class payment capabilities within UP BASE24-eps, which enables the rapid introduction of new payment methods, adherence to new payment networks or schemes and business flows as well as integration with new partners. Using the flexible and open UP Framework, UP BASE24-eps enables swift deployment of end points and interfaces through configuration rather than custom coding.

As a result, it positions banks to address changing market needs-such as real-time payment schemes and numerous regulatory and technology demands-more quickly and efficiently. Now including support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux/x86, an increasingly important and growing platform option, along with existing support for both DB2 and Oracle databases, the latest version of UP BASE24-eps provides organizations much-needed lower total cost of ownership. The new Linux support reduces operating expenses by more than 50% as well as increases performance, scalability and reliability.

ACI's move to Linux is in direct response to customers' demands to reduce dependencies on aging platforms while also lowering their hardware, operating system and maintenance costs. UP BASE24-eps on Linux offers improved performance characteristics such as more transactions per second at a much lower infrastructure cost, giving customers significant savings advantages as they choose to migrate their legacy traffic. In recent testing on Linux, ACI achieved double the TPS throughput of its customer at a lower cost of scale compared with other platforms. UP Retail Payments is available on-premise or in a hosted environment for all current BASE24 and UP BASE24-eps customers, which can access and run other parts of the solution in a SaaS environment for as long as they prefer.

ACI provides world-class SaaS payment solutions and services to thousands of organizations around the world to reduce time to market and minimize technical, operational and business risk.