AB Science SA (Euronext - FR0010557264 - AB) announced the results of a Phase 2 study evaluating masitinib in COVID-19. This randomized (1:1), open-label, phase 2 study (AB20001) was designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of masitinib plus isoquercetin in hospitalized patients with moderate COVID-19 (WHO 7-point ordinal scale level 4) or severe COVID-19 (level 5). The study initially planned to recruit 200 patients (over 18 years of age with no upper age limit).

The primary objective was to improve the clinical status of patients after 15 days of treatment, as measured by the WHO 7-point ordinal scale. Following a DSMB recommendation, decision was taken to continue the study only in level 4 patients (i.e. hospitalized patients with oxygen supply <6 L/min with SpO2 maintained =92%). The study could not recruit the planned 200 patients.

The decision was therefore taken to stop inclusion after 95 patients were randomized. The objective was to detect a trending treatment effect with 95 patients that would translate into a significant effect when simulating the same effect with the planned enrolment of 200 patients. If this objective was reached, then the conclusion would be that it is worth continuing to evaluate masitinib as an agent in the treatment of covid in patients hospitalized with moderate need of oxygen.

The study showed an odds ratio of 2.4 in favor of the treatment arm after 15 days of treatment, superior to the odds ratio of 2.2 initially hypothesized, with p=0.038 simulated with 200 patients and p=0.072 detected with 95 patients recruited. Sensitivity analyses at day 12, 13 and 14 with 95 patients recruited displayed a p-value of respectively p=0.016, 0.019, 0.018 and odds ratio 3.2, 3.2 and 3.4. This was due to improvement of certain placebo patients at day 15 but not before. The safety was in line with the known safety profile of masitinib.