AB Panevezio Statybos Trestas at its Annual General Meeting held on 30 April 2024, approved the election of Drasutis Liatukas (as an independent member); Irena Kriauciuniene (as an independent member); and Lina Rageliene as members to the audit committee. The company approved the election of Gintautas Mazeika (born in 1967) as a member to the Board of Panevezio statybos trestas AB from 30 April 2023. Education ?

Finance and Business administration (EMBA). Participation in activities of other companies ? PRO BRO Group UAB, Svaros broliai UAB ?

an independent member of the Board, Sypsenos akademija UAB ? the Chairman, Mazeika ir partneriai UAB ? the Managing Partner.