CHICAGO, Jan 29 (Reuters) - U.S. corn futures rose more than 2% on Friday, approaching a multi-year high, after China booked its biggest purchase of U.S. corn to date, fueling expectations of tightening global supplies.

Wheat futures also rose about 2%, chasing corn higher, and soybeans firmed as well.

As of 12:15 p.m. CST (1815 GMT), Chicago Board of Trade March corn was up 12 cents at $5.46-1/2 per bushel, nearing Thursday's top of $5.50-1/2, the highest price on a continuous chart of the benchmark contract since June 2013.

CBOT March wheat was up 13-1/2 cents at $6.60-1/2 a bushel and March soybeans were up 10-3/4 cents at $13.64 a bushel.

Corn futures jumped after the U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed private sales of 2.108 million tonnes of U.S. corn to China. It was the second-biggest daily corn sales announcement on record, eclipsed only by a deal for 3.72 million tonnes to the Soviet Union in 1991.

The latest sale follows deals earlier this week that netted China a combined 3.74 million tonnes of U.S. corn.

Already the world's top soy importer, China is buying corn to help rebuild its massive hog herd. Chinese corn imports could climb to between 25 million and 27 million tonnes in the current 2020/21 crop year, including up to 20 million tonnes from the United States, Dan Basse, president of Chicago-based AgResource Co, said this week.

CBOT corn was on track for a monthly gain of 13%. The March contract has climbed nearly 50 cents a bushel since settling last week near $5.

Soybean futures followed corn, with worries about poorly-timed rains in Brazil lending support.

"It's a wet forecast for Brazil, which means possible (soybean) harvest delays, and also means that they won't be able to get their product out as quickly. That could open up the door for U.S. business," said Brian Hoops, president of Midwest Market Solutions.

Wheat futures followed corn higher, given that tightening corn supplies could drive up demand for wheat as livestock feed.

However, agriculture consultancy Sovecon raised its forecast for Russia's 2020/21 wheat exports by 1.6 million tonnes, to 37.9 million tonnes, citing current high export levels. Russia is the world's top wheat supplier.

(Additional reporting by Gus Trompiz in Paris and Enrico Dela Cruz in Manila; Editing by Marguerita Choy)