08:30/SWI: Swiss National Bank monetary policy assessment

08:30/SWE: 3Q Financial accounts

09:00/ITA: Oct Foreign Trade EU

09:00/EU: Dec Eurozone Flash PMI

09:00/NOR: Norges Bank monetary policy decision and presentation of Monetary Policy Report

09:30/UK: Sep Card Spending statistics

09:30/UK: Dec Flash UK PMI

10:00/EU: 3Q Labour Cost Index

10:00/EU: Oct Foreign trade

11:00/TUR: Turkish interest rate decision

12:00/UK: Agents' Summary of Business Conditions

12:00/UK: UK interest rate decision

12:45/EU: ECB interest rate announcement

All times in GMT. Powered by Kantar Media and Dow Jones.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

12-16-21 0042ET