The Euro was the strongest currency on Wednesday, with no clear explanatory factor.
The Euro recovered +0.3% against the Dollar to 1.0960, +0.3% against the Swiss Franc (down to 96.15) and against the Yen to 161.8.

The Dollar Index ended in the red (-0.2% at 102.75), essentially due to the euro's rise, as parities between the greenback and other currencies were very stable... with the exception of the Canadian dollar (-0.2%).

With few statistics on the agenda this Wednesday, there was little movement on bonds on either side of the Atlantic: US T-Bonds were down +2pts at 4.1760% (Bunds only +1pt, at 2.363%), so it's not a question of the yield differential, which favours the Euro against the dollar.

Note the lively late afternoon in the energy sector, with oil up +1.8% to $84 in London ($83.9) and $80 on the NYMEX.
Bitcoin continues to break out against all currencies, notably the $, at $73.050 (after a peak of $73,580): ETF activity is strong, with massive arbitrages between cash and futures.

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