Russian authorities said they downed three drones targeting Moscow early Sunday, in an attack that Russian state media said injured one person and forced the temporary closure of one of the capital city's main airports.

The Ukrainian Air Force, meanwhile, said on its Telegram messaging channel that it destroyed eight Russian drones overnight, including four Iranian-made Shahed drones and four reconnaissance drones over the Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

West African Leaders Threaten Force Against Niger Plotters

West African leaders said that they would consider a military intervention to oust coup plotters in Niger and restore democratic rule in a vast Saharan country that they worry could become Russia's newest security partner in the region.

At an emergency summit in the Nigerian capital of Abuja on Sunday, leaders from the Economic Community of West African States said Niger's new military junta had one week to return the country's elected president, Mohamed Bazoum, to power. The regional group, called Ecowas, also laid out banking and economic sanctions to squeeze the military junta, which on Wednesday detained Bazoum and his family and suspended the country's constitution.

Saudi Arabia to Host Ukraine Peace Talks as Part of Western Effort to Woo Global South

Saudi Arabia is set to host peace talks among Western countries, Ukraine and key developing countries, including India and Brazil, early next month, as Europe and Washington intensify efforts to consolidate international support for Ukraine's peace demands.

According to diplomats involved in the discussion, the meeting would bring senior officials from up to 30 countries to Jeddah on Aug. 5 and 6. It comes amid a growing battle between the Kremlin and Ukraine's Western backers to win support from major developing countries, many of which have been neutral over the Ukraine war.

Paramours, Pilots and a Poker Pal: Longtime Tottenham Owner Allegedly Shared Insider-Trading Tips

The globe-trotting billionaire Joe Lewis, longtime owner of the London soccer club Tottenham Hotspur, spent the evening of July 25, 2019, with a woman who was then his girlfriend, dining on room service at the Four Seasons hotel in Seoul. U.S. prosecutors say he also fed her confidential information about coming disclosures by a life-sciences company that she used to make stock trades that ultimately netted her hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That tip and others that Lewis, 86, allegedly passed along to paramours, personal pilots and a poker buddy have placed him in the crosshairs of U.S. insider-trading rules. They have also made him an unusual defendant because of his advanced age, foreign residency, outsize wealth and apparent lack of personal motivation to secure insider profits himself.

Iran Renews Crackdown on Women Who Defy Islamic Dress Code

Iranian authorities are again cracking down on women breaking the country's strict dress code as they try to reassert control after last year's momentous protests that were rooted in demands for more freedoms in the Islamic Republic.

This week, authorities shut down an office of the country's leading e-commerce business, Digikala, popularly known as Iran's Amazon, after its female staff was seen on social media without the obligatory headscarf, or hijab. They have also reinstated widely reviled street patrols to enforce the country's Islamic dress code, and shut hundreds of cafes, restaurants and amusement parks where staffers were seen to violate it.

Elon Musk's Latest Mission: Rev Up the Electricity Industry

Elon Musk wants more power-literally.

The man behind the race to replace gasoline-fueled cars with electric ones is worried about having enough juice.

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Expected Major Events for Monday

04:30/NED: Jun Retail turnover

04:30/NED: Jul Flash Estimate CPI

06:00/GER: Jun Foreign trade price indices

06:00/DEN: Jun Unemployment

06:00/GER: Jun Retail Trade

06:30/HUN: Jun PPI

07:00/CZE: 2Q GDP preliminary estimate

08:00/ITA: 2Q GDP preliminary estimate

08:30/UK: Jun Money and Credit - Lending to Individuals, Lending to Businesses, Broad Money and Credit

08:30/UK: Jun Monetary & Financial Statistics

08:30/UK: Jun Bank of England effective interest rates

08:30/POR: 2Q Flash Estimate GDP

09:00/MLT: Jun PPI

09:00/CRO: Jun Industrial Production Volume Index

09:00/LUX: Jun PPI

09:00/CYP: Jun PPI

09:00/GRE: May Turnover Index in Retail Trade

09:00/EU: Jul Flash Estimate euro area inflation

09:00/EU: 2Q Preliminary Flash Estimate GDP

09:00/ITA: Jul Cities CPI

09:00/ITA: Jul Provisional CPI

10:00/ITA: Jun Foreign Trade non-EU

15:59/UKR: Jun Industrial Production

16:59/SPN: Jun Budget deficit

16:59/BEL: Jun PPI

16:59/SPN: May Monthly Balance of Payments

23:01/UK: Jul Shop Price Index

All times in GMT. Powered by Onclusive and Dow Jones.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

07-31-23 0018ET