Zinc Media Group plc announced management changes. David Galan has announced his intention to step down as CEO in 2019 to pursue a business opportunity in an unrelated sector. The company is currently reviewing the composition of the Board - specifically the executive leadership role - and the search for David's replacement will commence immediately.

David intends to continue to work with the Company in order to facilitate an orderly transition to his successor ahead of his departure, supported by Peter Bertram, Chairman, and Will Sawyer, who recently joined the Board as CFO. The Company confirmed that Harry Bell, managing director of Tern Television Productions Limited (Tern Television), has joined the Board as an executive director with immediate effect. Harry has spent his entire career in the television industry, having started working at ITV as one of the station's youngest TV producers.

Harry is a multi-award winning producer who is responsible for both the commercial and creative direction at Tern Television and has grown Tern Television into one of the leading dual-nation independent TV companies in the UK. Since its acquisition by Zinc Media in 2017, Tern Television has traded strongly and recently hit its first-year earnings target. Due to other business commitments, Jonathan Goodwin will be stepping down as a non-executive director with immediate effect.