Ziccum AB (publ) entered into an evaluation study agreement on 3 October 2019 with Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V. Based on positive results from the initial phase of studying compatibility with a model vaccine technology platform, both companies have now extended the study agreement until June 30, 2021. This is to finalize the analysis of Ziccum’s air-drying capabilities on one of Janssen’s vaccine platform technologies. LaminarPaceTM enables the air-drying of delicate biologic drugs such as proteins, peptides and vaccines at room temperature, keeping the active ingredient intact. This is to finalize the analysis of Ziccum's air-drying capabilities on one of Janssen's vaccine platform technologies. LaminarPaceTM enables the air-drying of delicate biologic drugs such as proteins, peptides and vaccines at room temperature, keeping the active ingredient intact. This capability could enable the development of new, stable, dry powder formulations of vaccines and biologic therapies that can be transported and administered cost-effectively to any climate in the world. In this extended collaboration each party covers their own costs.