StrikeForce Technologies, Inc. announced the introduction of an alternative approach to video conferencing security built for modern organizations, government agencies and their sensitive collaboration needs. StrikeForce and Aite-Novarica's joint research-driven whitepaper proposes a more dynamic and secure approach than those available on the common video platforms. The whitepaper recommends new secure video classification guidelines to protect privacy and data on video conferencing calls based on the sensitivity of information discussed. This whitepaper calls for data during video conferences to be handled with the same diligence and governance as information shared across other mediums. Data should be identified and classified based on its sensitivity and each should be protected by the appropriate security.

The research and this unique approach were devised in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) cybersecurity framework, a collection of fundamental standards and best practices to assist companies in developing and improving their cybersecurity posture.