Zebra Technologies Corporation introduced The Modern Store by Zebra, its visionary framework designed to help retailers solve the most pressing challenges they face in operating their stores. Backed by comprehensive services and a global partner ecosystem, The Modern Store by Zebra empowers retailers to better engage associates, optimize inventory and elevate the customer experience. The Modern Store by Zebra and supporting solutions will be showcased in Booth #3403 at the National Retail Federation (NRF) Annual Convention & EXPOJan.

15-17, 2023 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. Retailers worldwide rely on Zebra as a trusted advisor, and the company understands the critical challenges facing store operations executives and the mandate they carry for rapid transformation post-pandemic. The comprehensive Modern Store by Zebra framework addresses physical retailers' current pain points and meets each retailer where they are on their modernization journey.

This includes supporting the needs of shoppers, who in Zebra's recently issued 15th annual Global Shopper Study, preferred easy returns (80%), getting in and out of stores quickly (76%), and order delivery to home (75%) as well as a growing affinity (90%) for self-service technologies such as self-checkout or cashless payment. Designed to support retailers' long-term success, the Modern Store by Zebra features modern mobile devices and complementary capabilities like advanced communication and collaboration, optimized workforce management and streamlined task management solutions. The Modern Store by Zebra ensures inventory is accurate across all channels, available and easy to locate in stores without undue burden on associates.

It also removes friction from critical inflection points to make shopping experiences easier and more enjoyable, from browsing to checkout and purchase. Ultimately, the Modern Store by Zebra will help retailers close the gap between planning and execution for labor, inventory and customer experience plans, giving retailers the ability to drive success with the agility to forecast and adapt for tomorrow. The Modern Store by Zebra will leverage Zebra's comprehensive PartnerConnect partner ecosystem – including over 10,000 partners in 100 countries – supported by complementary integrations from three global tech leaders, Accenture, Google and Microsoft.

Zebra's retail customers now benefit from tighter integration with the leading front-line worker collaboration platforms - Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace - and its growing portfolio of retail software solutions are now available on the Google Cloud Marketplace.