Parties to the legal matter: Won-IL Seo and the others (as selected parties to class actions).

Name of the court or punishing agency of the legal matter: Seoul Central District Court

Reference/Case number of relevant documents of the legal matter: 2014Gahap31627

Date of occurrence of the event: 2023/01/19

Details of occurrence (including the matter under dispute): 1246 plaintiffs filed a class action against Tongyang Securities (currently, Yuanta Securities (Korea)) for KRW492.5 billion, claiming for the losses they suffered as a result of Tongyang Group's filing of court receivership on 2013/9/30 after they subscribed bonds issued by Tongyang Group. This case has been entered into a substantial review and has been presided by the Seoul Central District Court since 2020/2/21. The plaintiffs then reduced the claim amount to KRW113.5 billion.

Handling procedure: Yuanta Securities (Korea) is informed today that the Seoul Central District Court dismissed the plaintiffs' claim.

Impact on the Company's finance and business and projected amount: There is no material effect to the finance and business of Yuanta Securities (Korea) and YFH.

Countermeasures and improvement status: N/A

Any other matters that need to be specified (the information disclosure also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph 2 of the Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings forth a significant impact on shareholders rights or the price of the securities on public companies.): The plaintiffs are entitled to file an appeal.

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