York Timber Holdings Limited reported that earnings/(losses) per share are expected to increase from (19) cents to between 12.21 cents and 13.54 cents and headline earnings/(losses) per share are expected to increase from (20) cents to be between 12.26 cents and 13.66 cents for the six month period ended 31 December 2020. Core earnings/(losses) per share (based on EPS attributable to ordinary shareholders less the fair value adjustment to the biological assets, net of tax) are expected to increase from (2) cents to between 22.61 cents and 23.03 cents. Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation, amortisation and fair value adjustments are expected to be between ZAR 171.68 million and ZAR 175.38 million higher than that reported in the previous comparative period of ZAR 74 million (being an increase of between 132% and 137%).