With the implementation of the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services, the domestic AIGC applications are set to enter a new phase of orderly development. In a recent announcement, Xuan Wu Cloud unveiled its pioneering AIGC application, the "Intelligent FMCG Assistant," tailored for the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. This innovative application is designed to empower the Sales Force Automation (SFA) product module, optimizing the entire workflow intelligence for sales personnel and assisting FMCG enterprises in elevating operational efficiency while reducing cost, and refining marketing growth strategies.

According to Ding Ming, Director of Xuan Wu Cloud'sAI Lab, the majority of FMCG enterprises are currently bolstling with issues such as uneven sales force capabilities, subpar display quality at retail terminals, waste of terminal expenses and etc. In essence, despite significant investments in distribution costs and employee wages, these companies struggle to ensure compliance with terminal distribution and display requirements. In response to these business conundrums, Xuan Wu Cloud's "Intelligent FMCG assistant" leverages the five core functions of AIGC to provide intelligent assistance and recommendations for FMCG sales personnel throughout the entire workflow.

This advanced tool aims to enhance the efficiency of FMCG sales personnel, reduce expenditure expenditure expense, and improve the quality of terminal distribution and displays. The ultimate goal is to elevate brand exposure and drive sales. Taking a closer look, during the training period for new sales personnel, Xuan Wu Cloud's 'Intelligent FMCG Assistant' utilizes its "Conversation Practice Robot" feature to generate dialogues, assisting FMCG sales representatives in honing their sales pitches and deepening their product knowledge, while reducing training costs and unnecessary expenditures.

During the store visit process, its "Route Planning Assistant" feature generates optimal visit routes and requirements, thereby enhancing brand expansion and visit efficiency. Furthermore, in the realm of store display operations, the "Display Visit Commander" function comes into play, transforming display layouts, guiding sales personnel in store management and display optimization. As a result, FMCG enterprises can achieve better shelf presence and heightened product visibility, ultimately driving sales.

Simultaneously, as sales personnel collect data from the terminal stores, the "Intelligent F MCG Assistant" features a handy "Report Specialist" function, empowering FMCG executives and sales representatives to customize report data dimensions. This powerful tool generates diverse reports and automatically deciphers their content, bolstering analytical prowess and providing crucial insights to support effective decision-making at the corporate level. At the final stages of the sales personnel's workflow, the "Work Summary Assistant" feature of the mentioned applications collects visitation records, audio recordings, and other data to automatically convert them into structured work summaries and intelligently generate action plans for the next steps, effectively addressing issues arising from low sales personnel efficiency and lack of organized planning, which may hinder work progress.

Ding Ming expressed that the intelligent CRM product matrix of Xuan Wu Cloud has long been empowered by AI technology. "The integration of AIGC application into the intelligent CRM represents a strategic move. On the one hand, it leverages the existing commercial foundation of AIGC technology to bestow the product with enhanced personalization, dynamism, and scalability; on the other hand, as the application matures, it is poised to further bolster the prowess and competitiveness of the intelligent CRM, ushering customers into a new era of digitization.

The amalgamation of AIGC and the intelligent CRM holds vast potential for diverse applications within FMCG industry.uan Wu Cloud, as the sole domestic CRM provider with comprehensive self-developed AI technology, possesses over a decade of extensive experience in the FMCG sector. Looking ahead, Xuan Wu Cloud plans to integrate AIGC into a myriad of additional application services within the intelligent CRM, while remaining open to the possibility of introducing a multi-modal, large-scale AIGC model catered specifically to the FMCG sector." Indeed, AI combined with SaaS has emerged as a prominent industry trend. A research report by Goldman Sachs has emerged as a prominent industry trends.

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AIGC model catered as a prominent industry trend.