Inpixon announced the release of its latest mapping platform, Jibestream 4.12. The update delivers a number of new and enhanced features to streamline the creation, management and delivery of indoor maps. The release also includes support for point labels and new capabilities for integrating outdoor and indoor maps into a single application. This release's Outdoor-Indoor Kit for Google Maps allows customers to utilize Google Maps' SDK along with the Jibestream SDKs to deliver outdoor/indoor experiences in a single app. For instance, an app user in their home can enter a specific destination within a target facility and be guided through the outdoor portion of their journey to the best building entrance using the Google map, and then be guided within the building to their indoor destination using the Inpixon map. Optional integration with smart parking systems can guide users to open parking spaces or to their parked vehicle. Inpixon believes it is one of only a few companies offering the capability to integrate indoor maps with Google Maps. With the introduction of point labels, label clusters and advanced label collision handling, Inpixon believes its map labeling options are now the best available in the market because administrators and developers have substantial flexibility regarding how names of buildings, areas, units, stores, pathways, points of interest, etc. appear in the user interface at various zoom levels and orientations. In addition, point labels are not restricted to the label box boundary, giving customers more control over the label's sizing, when it's displayed/hidden, and its orientation. Also, switching on clustering collapses labels that are close in proximity into a group. When labels would otherwise overlay each other, more advanced handling has been implemented for both inlay and point labels to optimize appearance. Other notable features of this release include a new wizard-like approach to venue creation, drag and drop layer ordering, the addition of custom properties for shapes and more.