Report No 16_2015_A List of Shareholders that held more than 5%

Report No. 16/2015
Subject: A list of shareholders that held more than 5% of the total number of votes at the General


Date of publication: 28/05/2015
The Board Wilbo SA gives a list of shareholders who at the General Meeting on 28 May 2015 held at least 5% of the total number of votes at the Meeting.
1 / Mr. Paweł Seweryn Antosiewicz - 558 512 number of shares, the number of votes - 2 792 560, which accounted for 17.87% of the vote at the Meeting and 9.99% of the total number of votes.
2 / Mrs. Ewa Chmielak - number of shares 1 666 040, the number of votes - 1 666 040, representing
10.66% of the vote at the Meeting and 5.96% of the total number of votes.
3 / Mr. Michał Grabowski - 558 512 number of shares, the number of votes - 2 792 560, which accounted for 17.87% of the vote at the Meeting and 9.99% of the total number of votes.
4 / Mr. Adam Jastrzębski - 558 512 number of shares, the number of votes - 2 792 560, which accounted for 17.87% of the vote at the Meeting and 9.99% of the total number of votes.
5 / Ms. Barbara Kanigowska - number of shares 1 397 716, the number of votes - 2 792 560, which accounted for 17.87% of the vote at the Meeting and 9.99% of the total number of votes.
6 / Mrs. Agnieszka Markowicz - 558 512 number of shares, the number of votes - 2 792 560, which accounted for 17.87%. vote at the Meeting and 9.99% of the total number of votes.

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