For shareholders of Weyerhaeuser Company (NYSE: WY), the dividend distributions made in 2010 per share of Common Stock Cusip 96216610 traded under the symbol WY are to be classified as follows for income tax purposes:


Form 1099-DIV



Box 1a Box 1b Box 2a Box 3
Payable Total 2010 Total 2010 Total 2010 Total 2010 Non Taxable
Date Distribution Ordinary Qualified Capital Gain (1) Nondividend (2)
Per Share Dividends Dividends Distributions Distributions
Record Date                                                
1/29/2010       3/1/2010       $0.050000                   $0.050000      
4/30/2010       6/1/2010       0.050000                   0.050000      
7/22/2010       9/1/2010       26.463414       $25.527525       $25.527525       0.460305       $ 0.475584
11/5/2010       12/1/2010       0.050000                   0.050000      
(1) Box 2a - Capital Gain Dividend taxable at a maximum rate of 15%.

(2) Box 3 - This portion (0.475584) of the 3rd Quarter dividend is attributed to the Earnings and Profits of Weyerhaeuser prior to March 1, 1913. This is not a return of capital. It is a non-taxable distribution.


Shareholders are encouraged to consult their tax advisor to determine the specific effect these distributions may have on their individual tax situation. The information above relates solely to distributions made in 2010.

Weyerhaeuser Company, one of the world's largest forest products companies, began operations in 1900. We grow and harvest trees, build homes and make a range of forest products essential to everyday lives. We manage our timberland on a sustainable basis in compliance with internationally recognized forestry standards. At the end of 2009, we employed approximately 14,900 employees in 10 countries. We have customers worldwide and generated $5.5 billion in sales in 2009. Our stock trades on the New York Stock exchange under the symbol WY. Additional information about us is available at

Weyerhaeuser Company
Media ? Xan McCallum, 253-924-3781
Analysts ? Kathryn McAuley, 253-924-2058