ALL-Q-TELL Corp. announced that Michael W. Starkweather, Esq., an internationally recognized intellectual property (IP) expert, has been appointed the company's Executive Vice President and General Counsel. As an Executive Vice President, Starkweather will join the executive leadership team in driving the company's strategic direction. In his role as General Counsel for ALLQ, Starkweather will lead the team's legal affairs; including corporate, securities, litigation, intellectual property, regulatory affairs, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, employment law, and corporate governance matters. Starkweather is most noted for having been the attorney on an immensely valuable patent that covers the downloading of music and video over the internet, which Apple Inc. acquired in 2006 for over $500 million. Mr. Starkweather began his career as a Patent Examiner in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). He has served as an in-house patent attorney for Xerox Corporation, AT&T/NCR, Micron Semiconductor, CTS Corporation and IBM. He then moved to private practice, where he has operated, for over a decade, his own firm, Advantia Law Group.