Wan Leader International Limited provided consolidated earnings guidance for the financial year ended 31 March 2020. The company announced that, based on the preliminary assessment of the Group's unaudited consolidated management accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2020 and information currently available to the Board, the Group is expected to record a net loss before taxation not exceeding HKD 26.0 million for the Period (as compared to a net loss before taxation of approximately HKD 15.5 million (excluding listing expenses) for the previous financial year ended 31 March 2019 (the "Previous Period")). The increase in loss was mainly attributable to the effects of (i) increase in the costs of air and sea cargo spaces; (ii) legal and compliance costs, professional fees and printing charges incurred after the listing of the Company's shares on GEM; and (iii) increase in warehousing services related costs including subcontracting charges, such as palletisation and trucking services and depreciation.