Voztelecom Oigaa360 S.A. (BME:VOZ) reached an agreement in principle to acquire Com Y Media Proyectos Y Servicios, S.A. from 2 shareholders and others for €0.55 million on May 27, 2019. The price for Com Y Media Proyectos Y Servicios, S.A. amounts to €0.4 million in cash, having agreed a contingent payment ("earn-out") based on the results of the 2019 Com Y Media Proyectos Y Servicios, S.A. exercise of €0.15 million, which results, in case the earn- out fully materializes. Com Y Media Proyectos Y Servicios, S.A. achieved a net turnover of €4 million in 2018 and EBITDA of €0.24 million. The price paid would represent an EV/EBITDA multiple of 3.5 times. Com Y Media Proyectos Y Servicios, S.A. will continue to provide its services as a new division of Voztelecom Oigaa360 S.A. The management team, of Com Y Media Proyectos Y Servicios, S.A. formed by its two founders and majority shareholders, will join Voztelecom Oigaa360 S.A. to continue the business. Iñigo Loiarte, current Managing Director of Com Y Media Proyectos Y Servicios, S.A., will become part of the Group Management Committee as head of the Solutions and Infrastructures business unit. Voztelecom Oigaa360 S.A. (BME:VOZ) completed the acquisition of Com Y Media Proyectos Y Servicios, S.A. from 2 shareholders and others on July 19, 2019.