Van Elle Holdings plc reported unaudited consolidated earnings results for the six months ended October 31, 2017. For the period, the company reported revenue £52.6 million against £43.1 million a year ago. Underlying EBITDA was £8.4 million against £7.1 million a year ago. Reported EBITDA was £8.3 million against £5.6 million a year ago. Underlying operating profit was £5.7 million against £4.9 million a year ago. Reported operating profit was £5.6 million against £3.4 million a year ago. Underlying profit before taxation was £5.4 million against £4.7 million a year ago. Reported profit before taxation was £5.3 million against £3.2 million a year ago. Underlying basic and diluted earnings per share were 5.4 pence against 5.2 pence a year ago. Reported basic and diluted earnings per share were 5.3 pence against 3.2 pence a year ago. Total comprehensive income for the year was £4.244 million against £2.24 million a year ago. Net cash generated from operating activities was £5.960 million against £1.3 million a year ago. Purchases of property, plant and equipment were £2.97 million against £3.35 million a year ago. Net debt at October 31, 2017 was £4.6 million against £4.1 million a year ago.