UserTesting announced a partnership with ZoomVideo Communications, Inc. as part of the Zoom ISV Partner Program. Live Conversation, a feature of the UserTesting® Human Insight Platform, integrates Zoom video to give companies the ability to speak with customers live, in real time. Having access to moderated, live conversations enables companies to learn first hand how their customers feel, react, and respond to new updates in products, messaging, apps, brands or services, remotely, from wherever they are.

The platform creates insights from interviews with recorded Zoom audio transcripts that are run through UserTesting's machine learning capabilities, providing companies with valuable customer insights. During the month of September 2022, for the Live Conversation feature alone, UserTesting hosted nearly 10,000 customer interviews, in which contributors shared their thoughts and experiences across a broad range of topics. Having human insights integrated into an organization's operations gives them a first-hand perspective of their customers, helping to build a shared understanding of their target audience.

First-party insights, powered by UserTesting, bring forth greater operational alignment and ensure that decisions that impact the customer are validated.