Uniflex Technology Inc. announced changes to 5th term of Remuneration Committee. Name of the previous position holders: Chen-Fu Chien, Jo-Lan Liu, Sung-San Lee. Resume of the previous position holders: Chen-Fu Chien, Professor and Executive Vice-Chancellor of Tsinghua University Jo-Lan Liu, Independent Director of PixArt Imaging Inc. Sung-San Lee, Financial Vice President of Materials Analysis Technology Inc. Name of the new position holders: Sung-San Lee, Wen-Ju Tseng, Shu-Ju Chang.

Resume of the new position holders: Sung-San Lee, Financial Vice President of Materials Analysis Technology Inc. Wen-Ju Tseng, Chief Financial Officer of Faraday Technology Corp. Shu-Ju Chang, Served as Associate Finance Officer of Crystalwise Technology Inc. Reason for the change: new appointment. Original term from August 20, 2021 to August 19, 2024.

Effective date of the new member: July 5, 2024.