Trinity Biotech plc announced the launch of its continuous glucose monitoring ("CGM") microsite. This website will be used to provide the Company's stakeholders with key insights into the Company's vision for the development of the next generation of its recently acquired CGM biosensor technology and artificial intelligence ("AI") driven health & wellness analytics platform, as well as providing additional visibility on the international commercialisation of these solutions. To increase the understanding and visibility of this technology, and its benefits, have launched, a dedicated website for key stakeholders, including potential users, payers and physicians, which provides insights on the design philosophy underpinning vision for this technology.

design and development rationale is built around the key factors of usability, affordability and sustainability. The company believe that these are fundamental factors in facilitating accessibility to this critically important technology globally, where there continues to be a very large unmet need amongst those hundreds of millions of people globally who are impacted by diabetes.