Treatment.Com International Inc. announced the first sale of its Treatment Primary Care Module, powering the next generation of AI-assisted healthcare. Using medically built artificial intelligence, the Treatment Primary Care Module will improve all aspects of the patient /doctor experience in the medical clinic setting. Powered by the rapidly expanding Global Library of Medicine and micro service AI technologies, this new solution integrates seamlessly with the medical clinics’ EMR system. This dramatically improves the patient workflow, while aiding busy medical professionals with their clinical practice. Instead of doctors spending valuable patient time at the keyboard, entering symptoms and other critical medical information, the Treatment AI system “pre-interviews” the patient in the comfort of their home, then builds an extremely accurate list of personalized symptoms, risk factors and possible diagnoses just as the doctor would have done. Then when the patient is seen, either in the clinic or over a video link, the doctor can simply review the AI-curated evidence and make final diagnosis and treatment recommendations more accurately and quickly.