20 June 2014

Share Purchase Plan Extension

Trafford Resources Limited (ASX : TRF) refers to its recent ASX release on 10th June
2014, relating to the discovery of extensive positive tin assays throughout the Wilcherry Hill area indicating a potential new Australian Tin Province. Approximately 500 samples are currently at the laboratory undergoing analysis for tin and results could be returned by month end (June).
The directors believe, therefore, that it is in the best interest of shareholders to extend the

I closing date of the Share Purchase Plan (SPP).

This will provide all shareholders the time and opportunity to fully assess this new and developing situation before deciding on any participation in the SPP.
It is also possible, the Exploration Development Incentive, offering tax relief for exploration investors, mooted by the Federal Government, may occur within the coming financial year which, in all probability, would not be effective within this current financial year.

I I The SPP will now close at 5 pm on 11th July 2014.

The revised key dates to the Share Purchase Plan will now be as follows:
Shareholders should consult their stockbroker or financial advisor in regard to taking an investment in this SPP.
Yours faithfully
Pragiyugi Gouw - Joint Company Secretary

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