TradeGo FinTech Limited provided consolidated earnings guidance for the nine months ended December 31, 2019. For the period, it is expected in the range of HKD 8 million to HKD 10 million, as compared to a net loss after taxation of approximately HKD 9.68 million for the nine months ended 31 December 2018 (adjusted net profit of approximately HKD 2.36 million after excluding the effect of the listing expenses). The Board believes that the increase in the adjusted net profit after excluding the effect of the listing expenses was mainly attributable to (i) the decrease in staff costs of approximately HKD 3.9 million resulting from the increase in capitalisation of new projects; and (ii) the increase in other income of approximately HKD 2.8 million, which included the subsidies received from the Nanshan District Government and the Shenzhen Municipal Government in the People's Republic of China.