29/01/2014 08:42

REL: 0842 HRS Tower Limited

BUYBACK: TWR: TOWER Limited - Acquisition of shares under buy back offer

29 January 2014

Market Information
NZX Limited
Level 2, NZX Centre
11 Cable Street
New Zealand

Company Announcements Office
Australian Securities Exchange
Exchange Centre
Level 6, 20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

TOWER Limited - Acquisition of shares under buy back offer

On 24 January 2014, TOWER announced that it had received valid acceptances
for more than 10% of TOWER Shares under the buy back offer announced on 10
December 2013, and on 28 January filed a share buy-back notice under ASX
listing rule 3.8A.

As further acceptances, lodged prior to 7pm on 23 January, have been
received, a further share buy-back notice is attached confirming acceptances
of 29,045,774 shares (NZ$52,572,850.94).

Payment will be made to accepting shareholders on 31 January 2014, subject to
final Board confirmation.

Michael Boggs
Chief Financial Officer
TOWER Limited
ARBN 088 481 234 Incorporated in New Zealand
End CA:00246452 For:TWR    Type:BUYBACK    Time:2014-01-29 08:42:16
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