CMC Infocomm Limited reported unaudited group earnings results for the half year ended November 30, 2015. For the period, revenue was SGD 7,970,000 against SGD 9,009,000 a year ago. Loss before tax was SGD 1,591,000 against profit before tax of SGD 699,000 a year ago.

Loss attributable to owners of the company, net of tax was SGD 1,591,000 against profit of SGD 477,000 a year ago. Net cash flows used in generated from operating activities was SGD 476,000 against net cash flows generated from operating activities of SGD 1,141,000 a year ago. Purchase of property, plant and equipment was SGD 127,000 against SGD 203,000 a year ago.

Basic and diluted loss per share was 1 cent against earnings of 3 cents a year ago. The company recorded lower revenue as compared to the financial period ended 30 November 2014 by 11.5% mainly attributable to delay in the commencement of certain projects.