The first meeting of the eighth Board of the Tianjin Capital Environmental Protection Group Company Limited was held on 18 December 2018 by way of voting via telecommunication means. Nine Directors should attend the meeting and nine Directors have attended. The following matters were considered and approved at the meeting: The Board agreed that the Audit Committee of the eighth Board of the Company was established comprising three independent non-executive Directors namely, Mr. Di Xiaofeng, Mr. Guo Yongqing and Mr. Wang Xiangfei, and Mr. Guo Yongqing was elected as the chairman of the Audit Committee in charge of the work of the Audit Committee. The Board agreed that the Remuneration and Assessment Committee of the eighth Board of the Company was established comprising three independent non-executive Directors namely, Mr. Di Xiaofeng, Mr. Guo Yongqing and Mr. Wang Xiangfei, and Mr. Di Xiaofeng was elected as the chairman of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee in charge of the work of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee. The Board agreed that the Nomination Committee of the eighth Board of the Company was established comprising three independent non-executive Directors namely, Mr. Di Xiaofeng, Mr. Guo Yongqing and Mr. Wang Xiangfei as well as Mr. Liu Yujun, the chairman of the Company, and Ms. Wang Jing, the executive Director. Mr. Di Xiaofeng was elected as the chairman of the Nomination Committee in charge of the work of the Nomination Committee. The Board agreed that the Strategic Committee of the eighth Board of the Company was established comprising Mr. Liu Yujun, the chairman of the Company, Ms. Wang Jing, the executive Director, and Mr. Yu Zhongpeng, the non-executive Director, Mr. Han Wei, the non-executive Director, and Mr. Guo Yongqing, the independent non-executive Director. Mr. Liu Yujun was elected as the chairman of the Strategic Committee in charge of the work of the Strategic Committee. The Board agreed to the appointment of Mr. Tang Fusheng as the general manager of the Company, with a term of office from 18 December 2018 to 17 December 2021.