Thryv Holdings, Inc. announced its integration with Gmail™ email service, the world’s most popular email platform. This enhancement allows Thryv clients direct access to Thryv data right in their Gmail email service account, so all contact information, correspondence, appointments, payments and more are viewable in one place. Additionally, all Thryv packages will now include one professional domain-based Gmail email service account. This enables Thryv users to present a polished and professional external appearance, allowing them to use their own domain, rather than “” Email is critical for service-focused small business owners who utilize it as their core day-to-day communication tool. Thryv recognized breaking that pattern of behavior is difficult, and with this integration, Thryv meets small business owners where they work today: in their Gmail email service inbox. With Thryv’s Gmail email service add-on, business owners can continue using the email tool they love while benefiting from a single source of truth by syncing their Gmail email service and Thryv contact information. This also simplifies the adoption of Thryv’s easy-to-use platform, which helps manage the business’s entire customer experience. Through Thryv’s App Market, businesses connect the Gmail email app and easily sync their Gmail email service inbox to Thryv’s CRM in one click, eliminating excessive data entry, contact duplication or conflicting information. Additional benefits: Thryv customers with the HIPAA add-on can choose to upgrade to a Gmail Certified Secure email, which enables safe customer communication with advanced security. Also, while every Thryv account comes with one email address with a domain-based extension, additional email addresses can be purchased for that domain. Thryv’s support team is available to help businesses set up their Gmail email service account at no charge.