TheraVet announced the launch of a clinical study assessing the efficacy of BIOCERA-VET Osteosarcoma Cementoplasty combined with Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SRT) in patients with osteosarcoma. The study will be led by Dr Marilia Takada (DVM, PhD, DACVR Radiation Oncology, Assistant Professor and Radiation Oncology Service chief, and by Dr Judith Bertran (DVM, MRCVS, DACVS (SA), ACVS Fellow in Surgical Oncology) Assistant Professor and Surgical Oncology Service Chief at the University of Florida. Canine osteosarcoma is commonly treated by limb amputation for local tumor control, and adjuvant chemotherapy to delay the onset of metastases.

With an estimated enrolment phase of 6 months, the study will be conducted over a period of 18 months, with first results expected in a year.