Sales of theranostics products x 3.6, totaling €1.4 million

Acceleration in sales of in house products: +26%, 61% of total revenues

Robust growth of international sales: 41% of total revenues

Strong increase in sales of molecular biology tests : +63%

Croissy-Beaubourg and Montpellier, January 20, 2015 - Theradiag (ISIN: FR0004197747, Ticker: ALTER), a company specializing in theranostics and in vitro diagnostics, announced today its consolidated sales revenues for 2014.

in €K FY 2014* FY 2013* % Var. Revenues 7 113 6 741 +6%

incl. in-house revenues 4 326 3 445 +26%

*As of 30/06/2014, Theradiag releases consolidated financial information

Total revenues for 2014 are up 6%, for the first time since the strategic repositioning of the Company initiated in 2012.
The theranostics business unit led this growth, with the acceleration in sales of LISA TRACKER products and the proceeds from a master services-agreement with an international pharmaceutical company. Theranostics revenues were multiplied by 3.6 in 2014, reaching €1.4 million, of which
€1 million were generated through exports.
Sales of in house products made up 61% of total sales in 2014, compared to 40% in 2012. The decrease in the distribution activity of IVD products (€2,787 in 2014, -15.5%) was offset by the surge in sales of theranostics products, and the distribution revenues of highly-innovative molecular biology tests (€553,000, +63%).
Michel Finance, Chief Executive Officer of Theradiag, comments: "At the time of our IPO, we had announced that our objective was to focus on high-value IVD and theranostics products, in order to bring our Company back to growth. We have now reached this goal, as confirmed by the increase of revenues in 2014. 2015 should follow the same positive trend, led by international sales (which make up 41% of sales in 2014 compared to 32% over the same period last year) and new innovative product offerings".

Update on the theranostics activity for 2014

Deployment of theranostics, in France and abroad

Theradiag pushed forward in 2014 with the deployment of theranostics kits, signing on new medical centers in France and internationally. The company obtained a CE-mark for its new test to monitor Avastin® (bevacizumab), expanding the LISA TRACKER range to include oncology products. The LISA TRACKER portfolio now counts 8 kits for the monitoring of biotherapies in auto-immune diseases and cancer. The range should be increased further in 2015, targeting other inflammatory diseases and cancer treatments. A pharmaco-econonomic report published in October 2014 confirmed the clinical and economic interest of biotherapeutic treatment monitoring of Crohn's disease, which could produce savings of more than €130 million in France alone.

Ongoing development in microRNA

Theradiag's subsidiary Prestizia obtained validation of its technology platform with the identification of the first microRNA signature for HIV tropism: a first from a scientific perspective. However, given the decrease in sales of the anti-CCR5 treatment currently on the market (Selzentry®), which reduces the market opportunity for an HIV tropism test insufficiently differentiated from existing assays, Theradiag has decided not to pursue the industrial development of this microRNA signature test. The CARENA project in HIV, conducted in partnership with Abivax and funded in part by Bpi France, is not affected by this termination.
Other microRNA projects are moving forward rapidly in oncology and auto-immune diseases. The identification of biomarkers for the early prediction of response to chemo- and radiotherapy and anticipation of metastatic recurrences in rectal cancer (miCRA project) is progressing. Theradiag is also developing predictive biomarkers for the anticipation of treatment response and disease evolution in auto-immune diseases.

About Theradiag

Capitalizing on its expertise in the distribution, development and manufacturing of in vitro diagnostic tests, Theradiag innovates and develops theranostics tests (combining treatment and diagnosis) that measure the efficiency of biotherapies in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, cancer and AIDS. Theradiag notably markets the Lisa-Tracker range (CE marked), which is a comprehensive multiparameter theranostic solution for patients with autoimmune diseases treated with biotherapies. With its subsidiary Prestizia, Theradiag is developing new biomarkers based on microRNAs for the diagnosis and monitoring of HIV/AIDS and rectal cancer. Theradiag is thus participating in the development of "customized treatment", which favors the individualization of treatments, the evaluation of their efficacy and the prevention of drug resistance. The Company is based in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris, and in Montpellier, and has over 70 employees.
For more information about Theradiag, please visit our website:



Investor Relations

Nathalie Trepo

+33 1 64 62 10 12


Financial communications/

investor relations Valentine Brouchot / Pierre Laurent

+33 1 44 71 94 94

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+33 6 64 18 99 59


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