Dear Clients!

We inform you about the changes in the Bank's name beginning from July 13,2015 :

Full name of the Bank: «Russian public joint-stock commercial roads Bank» (Public joint-stock company),

Abbreviated name: PJSC «RosDorBank»,

Brand name in English: «Russian public joint-stock commercial roads Bank»,

Short brand name in English: «RosDorBank»,

General license for banking operations № 1573 dated June 19, 2015.

Starting from July 13, 2015 during the formation of the payment documents clients ,served in the Head office of the Bank, should specify the new name of the Bank. Clients, served in the St. Petersburg and Krasnodar branches of the Bank, should specify the former name of the branch in the payment documents, before there is a special notification about the changes in the name of the branch.

In case, you set payment orders in other banks for periodic transfers to your bank account in "RosDorBank", you must change the details of the beneficiary's bank in the payment order.

Please notify your partners and contractors to change the details of the Bank.

We draw your attention that it is not required to renegotiate existing contracts and agreements with the Bank. All of the Bank's obligations to you and your obligations to the Bank are remain valid. The Bank does not change your account number, Bank's correspondent account, BIC , INN (Taxpayer Identification Number)/ KPP (Tax Registration Reason Code) and the address of the Bank.


First Deputy Chairman of the Board A.V. Vinogradov

of the OJSC "RosDorBank"

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