Thai Nondestructive Testing Public Company Limited (SET:TNDT) announced a private placement with new investors Advance Opportunities Fund, a fund managed by Advance Capital Partners Asset Management Private Limited and Advance Opportunities Fund I, a fund managed by ZICO Asset Management Pte. Ltd. for placement of senior unsecured convertible debentures not exceeding THB 100,000,000 on February 27, 2021. The debentures may be issued in 20 sub-tranches equally at THB 5,000,000 per sub-tranche. The issuance of the convertible debentures is subject to the including the approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission and other relevant authorities. The timeframe of the issuance of convertible debentures is 1 year after shareholder’s meeting of the company approved the issuance of convertible debentures. The debentures will have an interest rate of 2% per annum, provided that the interest will be paid on a quarterly basis and maturity period will be 3 years from issuance of each tranche and will be repaid in lump sum after the due date of each tranche according to the term and condition of the convertible debentures of each tranche. The holders of the convertible debentures may or may not have rights to redeem the convertible debentures before due date and/or the issuer of the convertible debentures and may exercise the rights of conversion of the convertible debentures into the company’s until the close of business on the date falling 7 days prior to the maturity date of the convertible debentures and will be transfer restriction which is limited to the transfer of the convertible debentures to no more than 10 specific investors within four-month period. The conversion price of the convertible debentures shall not be lower than 90% of the market price which shall be calculated from the weighted average price of the company’s shares trading on the Stock exchange of Thailand for the past 7 consecutive business days but not more than 15 consecutive business day prior to the date that the holder of the convertible debentures exercises their conversion right. The transaction is subject to shareholders approval which will take place on April 26, 2021. The company will reserve 83,520,775 shares for conversion of debentures and will arrange to list the ordinary shares issued after the conversion of the convertible debentures on the Market for Alternative Investment or other stock exchange where the shares of the company is a listed security at that time.