Dear friends,
Tesmec Group is the worldwide leader in stringing equipment manufacturing, especially in the Russian Federation, where it has sold hundreds of machines since 1996. In 2011, it received the c/o OAO "FSK EES" certification.

Our name and brand are really well known; that's why we have registered Trademarks in the Russian Federation as well. Tesmec has always emphasized the right utilization of its name and logos.

Unfortunately, especially in the Russian Federation, there are unfair businesses that believe it is alright to use our logo to lure potential customers, even though they're not selling our products.

Unethical behaviors and unfair competition are illegal and violate legal requirements on intellectual property, competition laws, and marketing. Nobody has the right to use other companies' brands and names without permission.

Tesmec Group will use all the legal means to defend its rights and name.

Please don't trust businesses that use our name in order to promote their own products, instead of ours - their business is based on deceiving you!
The only Tesmec official website is (russian version:
Waiting for you…

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