Telit announced five new LTE IoT modules, one category 4 (CAT-4) and four category 1 (CAT-1), the new IoT focused standard, that includes three North American and one European models. These new LTE products expand the 4G portfolio led by the LE866-SV1, launched as the industry's smallest dual-band, single-mode LTE CAT-1 offering at 15x25mm. Developed for use with North American wireless network carriers, the LE866-SV1, LE910-SV1, LE910-NA1, and the LE910-EU1 for Europe all leverage existing LTE technology aligned with carriers plans to support the CAT-1 standard in their respective markets.

The LE910-SV V2 is a carrier-approved single mode CAT-4 high bandwidth module introduced for applications requiring high-speed data without the need for fallback to 3 or 2G. Customer designs based on these modules can be easily migrated to CAT-0/M when that standard becomes available and certified by operators. Commercial availability of the CAT-1 products is planned for early 2016, in alignment with the roll out service by carriers.

Three of the CAT-1 and the CAT-4 LTE IoT modules will be available in the popular xE910 form factor, Telit's most versatile and comprehensive product family and the other in the xE866 which also includes 2 and 3G drop-in compatible variants.