TAS Group confirms its commitment to the US Market by joining the EMV Migration Forum

To further support the expansion of our presence in the U.S., TAS has elected to participate in the EMV Migration Forum, a cooperative body established by the Smart Card Alliance with the collective contribution from major industry players, that is focused on enabling effective, timely and successful migration from magnetic stripe to EMV.
The EMV Migration Forum has been created to address issues that require broad cooperation and coordination across many constituents in the payments space and it has experienced tremendous interest and growth since its formation five months ago, reaching 100 members from the entire payments sector, including global payment brands, financial institutions, merchants, processors, acquirers, regional debit networks, device manufacturers and industry associations.
TAS is glad to be part of this group: as member of the Forum we will have the opportunity to share our experience and know how in supporting the smooth and efficient migration to EMV in the U.S., ensuring the adoption of the innovative payments technologies that we have successfully deployed in other parts of the world.
TAS is joining special interest working committees formed after the initial EMV Migration Forum meeting in September. In particular the Debit and EMV Working Committee and the U.S. Coordination Working Committee.
The next in-person meeting of the Forum will be held on February 4 in Salt Lake City, and we will be there together with all the major sector stakeholders to explore in greater detail the key challenges faced by the payments industry in moving to EMV.
TAS Group
TAS Group, listed on the Italian Stock-Exchange, provides software solutions for cards, payment systems and financial markets. TAS Group is an international group and serves Central Banks, major banking groups, leading processors and some of the world's most renowned broker dealers. For more information contact: solutions@tasgroup.eu

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