Tamagawa Holdings Co., Ltd. (JASDAQ:6838) announced a private placement of 12,554 12th stock acquisition rights at an issue price of ¥1,043 per stock acquisition rights for gross proceeds of ¥13,093,822 on August 28, 2020. The company has purchase agreement with the investor. The transaction will involve participation from individual investor, Marilyn Hweetiang Tang. The stock acquisition rights are exercisable into approximately 1,255,400 common shares at an initial exercise price of ¥2,032 and will receive proceeds of ¥2,550,972,800 post exercise. The stock acquisition rights exercise period is from September 16, 2020 to September 15, 2023. The company has incurred issuance expenses of arrangement costs to Canter Fitzgerald Securities Co., Ltd. of ¥51,281, investigation cost to Crossborder Pte Ltd of ¥92,000, and other administrative expenses like change registration costs, etc. of ¥800,000. The transaction will take place through third party allocation. The transaction is expected to close on September 16, 2020. The transaction has been approved by the board of directors of the company.